Daddy's Pride

Pass the Ball to the Next Generation™

Category: Diapers

I Have To Go…

Whenever my son comes to me, and says, “I have to go potty”, my immediate response is always to say, “really…now?” Then I think for a few seconds, and drop whatever we are doing, and tell him, “alright…let’s go!” For some reason, I am always shocked when he tells me this. I guess I cannot get over the fact he has become trained in taking care of his personal business. 🙂

So when did the little man figure out all this potty business? I have no idea… just happened. The only thing I do know is that when a child is potty trained…it’s awesome! 🙂

The Wife Was Right

Prior to having our son, I suggested to my wife to use cloth diapers to be economical and green. She quickly dissuaded me from this idea. Today, I realized how right my wife was when she made her stance against cloth diapers, as my son had an explosion that required major clean up duty while breathing through my mouth. I cannot imagine how I would have recycled a cloth diaper after such a disaster. In this case the wife was right.

By the way, while his parents were trying to conquer the son’s messy disaster, he was beaming with the biggest smile you can imagine. At times, I think he is a happy Buddha who is testing us through these challenges.


Our baby has finally come home, and I soon realized that we might want to put a little oil on our door hinges. Whenever we enter and exit a couple of our rooms the doors squeak. Well, these noises sound exactly like our son waking up from a nap, needing a fresh pair of diapers, or simply wanting attention. So, whenever we hear a squeaky noise we think it’s our son, and we go to the rescue. As a dad, I now have to put the squeaky doors on the to-do list, or continue to receive false alarms. Btw…it’s amazing how we were oblivious to these noises before.

Happy To Be A Dad

Life has changed in such a good way that I cannot express in words. Let’s just say I can stare at my child all day and not get bored. I am completely entertained and willing to lose sleep and change diapers all day. Tomorrow we will get to take him home and start our lives together.

Butt Paste

This came in our mailbox. Somehow and someway we have been identified as future parents. I guess they are trying to compete with the better known brand Desitin. I think we may stick to the popular brand because my wife does not like the name Butt Paste.

Boy Presents

Presents you get for a boy!!!

Baby Registry

Selecting items for your baby registry is a challenging task especially when it is for your first baby. I am not talking about choosing clothes or toys. That’s the easy stuff…kind of. I am talking about baby monitors, humidifiers, first aid kits, bath tubs, wipe warmers, changing pads, diaper disposals, baby thermometers etc…. If you do not understand what I am talking about, well I still don’t either. I am still new to this, but at least there is a high learning curve. On top of not knowing what you need to take care of your baby, each item has 3 to 5 brands. So, which brand do you pick? Well, I guess that requires research, and more hours spent on your smart phone or computer looking at ratings for each product.

Now that I kind of scared you, know that when choosing baby products you are not alone. While walking down the aisle of various baby sections you will notice all the other parents to be. They have a list of items to buy and seem like they know what they are doing, but they are just as lost and confused. Everyone seems to be in the same boat. The best part of the day, at least for me, is seeing all the recent mommies and daddies who are with their little ones (the ones that are not crying of course). I get to imagine that I will soon be in their situation.

To all my future dads, beware. Creating a baby registry or simply buying baby products is a long process. Make sure you stop at Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts to get your jolt of coffee because it will be a long day.

Good luck baby registering!

Diaper Jeans

Who knew that diapers could be so fashionable!!!!!!!